Please note:
Sorry, we do not accept the return of opened products.
If you purchased your product(s) from us, within the last month, we'll be happy to fully refund, or exchange them.
If the reason for the return is an error on our part we'll refund the cost of the return postage, in full.
We'll send out your replacement product(s), or issue a refund, on the day of receipt. Note refunds may take up to 5 working days to reach your account.
How do I return a product?
To return a product please print our returns form, available by clicking the button below.
Complete the form and return with the product(s) to:
Oceans of Goodness,
The White House,
Mutton Hall Hill,
East Sussex,
TN21 8NB,
United Kingdom.
We'd advise you to obtain proof of posting, or use a signed-for service, as we cannot refund or exchange products which we haven't received.